Hailey Gonzales

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About Me


Hello everyone!

My name is Hailey Gonzales.

I love to write complex and flawed characters. Found family is my absolute favorite trope and no matter how hard I try, I can't stay away from writing angst. It's my favorite thing to read, and it's something I love to include.

I wrote my first novel in sixth grade when my teacher gave us an assignment to 'write a story like R.L Stine.' What she meant was a short story but there were no takesies backsies! I ended up writing a 200 page novel with a 200 page sequel. The novel was terribly written and made no sense, but I'm still so proud of it. That novel kickstarted my writing career.

I wrote the first Jensen book in high school and wrote the series on and off for years. I majored in Computer Science at Sacramento State and graduated with my bachelor's in Fall 2021.

I'm a total nerd. I joined the anime club in college. My room is plastered in anime posters and I love to collect figurines. Reading fanfiction is my gulty pleasure, but I highly recommend it! You can search your favorite tropes and find the perfect fic.

I have a dog named Miley who I absolutely adore. She is the cutest animal in the multiverse. She's part Pomeranian, part Chihuahua and she's been my writing buddy ever since she was born.

I hope you enjoy your visit here!


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Tentative Release Schedule

Bound to the Fae (Court of Cruel Fae #1) - June 2024 - Link here!

Captive of the Fae (Court of Cruel Fae #2) - July 2024 - Link here!

Legacy of the Fae (Court of Cruel Fae #3) - October 2024 - Link here!

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